HEllo friend please suppourt i will you give you more softwares if you have problem so say me i find fucking solution if you have any idea to bypass survey so share me i share your post with another

How to Bypass Fileice Surveys Updated Method 100% Working

How to Bypass Fileice Surveys Updated Method 100% Working

Hello Guys What's going on after a very long time Now i am going to Post a Special Content For you And this post called How to Bypass Fileice Surveys And this method is Working 100% and You can Also Bypass surveys easily with this method and this is easy to follow I Recieved many request from people we don't Know How to Bypass Surveys So I think I Need to Make a Post for them those they can't bypass surveys. Surveys is very easy to Bypass You just need to Understand it and For this Post You Need a USA ip and you can easily get google or anywhere else and then you Just Need to Follow me and You can able to bypass surveys so Let's Start.

So First of All You Need a USA ip then Follow Connect To USA and then Open your Survey Link and if you Don't Have any Just Click on Survey Link For Practice.

So Now we are On Survey Page and Now First of all Click on Regular Download

Now You can watch Some Surveys there on the Page Now you Need to Bypass a Survey to Get the File So Now you Don't which Survey I Need to Choose Mostly EMAIL SUBMITED are Easy to Bypass So you Need to Choose a Survey where you need to Sumbit your Email and On Fileice you can See if you Move your Mouse to any Survey then they write under all the surveys that which type of surveys is this.

I Choosed Happy Holidays! Get a 100$ Walmart Gift Card. Detail Apply. 

So i Prefer you also need to Select this but if you didn't find this Survey Offer then you need to Choose a Survey which is Similar to this andd Like this I Mean to Say there is many other surveys there you Need to Submit your Email So Now You are on Survey Page 

So Now First of All You Need to Click on No Thanks, Continue

Then You are on Main Page of Survey Here You Need to Give your Information But You Can Easily Fill this You can Give your Real Information or if you Don't want to Use Your Real information then you can also Use fake Information You Can USe Fakenamegenerator.com and then Select USA Country and Select Male.

So They are Asking Some Questions Little You can Easily Answer that

So First Question is Do You Like to Go Shopping?

I Answered this to YES

So Next question is How Old are you?

I Answered this to 26-35 Don't Answer this Under 18 if you are Under 18 So You Need to Choose Bigger age then you are.

Next Question is About How Many Times Do you Use Facebook Per Week?

I Answered this to 7-10 You Can Answer this to any other.

So Now you Need to Give your Email So I Prefer is to Use a Fake Email You can Get Fake Email to Fakenamegenerator.com Copy the Email and Paste in the TextBox and Now you Need to Remove the ******.com and Now you Need to Change it gmail.com

I Mean to Say That I get a Email From FakenameGenerator the email is DeannaWSchultz@armyspy.com and Now you Need to Change to DeannaWSchultz@gmail.com Like this.

Now Paste your Email and Press Continue.

Now is the Most Important Part of the Survey Now you Need to Fill this Information With the Help of FakenameGenerator So You Can Easily Fill this Form You Just Need to Copy the Information from Fakenamegenerator and Paste Here and Then Press Continue.

Now you Need to Give your Phone Number You can Easily Get this From Fakenamegenerator and Fill There and then You Need to Give your Date of Birth I Prefer you that if you are Under 18 then you Need to Choose Higher than 18 Choose the Year in 80 I Mean in 1980 So Now Choose Male if you are Male Choose Female if you are Female and Then Press Continue

Now Wait For Your Download if your Download not Start in a Minute then you Need to Do This Again You Need to Clear Your Caches and Cookies And then Connect Again with Your USA ip and then Do this Method Again. I Really Hope you Like this And I Hope this Works you also And If you Don't Understand You Can Watch this Video And Please Please If you Need My Help You can write in Comments if you want to Contact Me You can Contact Me on Facebook My profile link . Please Share this With your Friends If you Like this So Thanks For Reading Don't Forget to Watch the Video and Subscribe Me youtube.

If you Don't Know How to Make USA ip Get it Here

How to Make USA ip - How to get American Ip